发布日期:2018-03-31 16:15:12 点击:2这是一个将DEDECMS数据库操作类简化的类
require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/include/"); require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/_kupe/db.class.php");
$d = new kupedb('admin');
$rs = $d->find(); 取得所有记录: $rs = $d->findAll();对admin表 添加,编辑,删除
以下为类代码, 为本人原创
<?php /* $this->phpmyadminToArray($path) 增加解析PHPMYADMIN导出SQL文件,将SQL文件解析到数组 sqlite 压缩命令: VACUUM 增加了缓存功能 //根据匹配度显示 //SELECT * FROM `ic_news` WHERE 1 order by length(title)-length(replace(title,'美','')) DESC 2013年6月6日 允许多个where 用and连起来的 #事务处理 $db->begin(); echo $db->pk(30)->set('porder='.rand(2,100))->update(); $db->commit(); #优化库所有表 p($db->opt()); function setEngine($table = null,$engine = 'MYISAM') function setEngines($engine = 'MYISAM') function tables() max , sum, count, */ /* ************************************** * Copyright (c) 2007 - 2018 边缘狂人 [PHP软件工作室] * URL: * * QQ:124181646 * filename:Mysql.class.php * date:Tue Mar 16 02:38:06 CST 2010 * write by: 陈阳昇 * 工作室旗下致力于开发优秀的网络产品 * description: * ************************************** */ class kupedb { public $table; //操作表 public $prefix; //操作表 public $doTable; //当前操作的全表名 public $pk; //主键 public $lastSql; public $sqls; #protected 子类可使用参数, private 子类不可用 protected $option = array(); //连惯操作时,记录参数 protected $_db; //数据库链接实例 protected $config; // public $server_id = 0; // 用于链接多个数据库 function __construct($table = '',$server_id = 0) { global $db; $this->db = $db; $this->table = $table; if ($this->table) { $this->prefix = '#@__'; $this->doTable = $this->prefix . $this->table; #设置一个默认主键 if (!isset($this->pk)) { $this->pk = 'id'; } } } #查询SQL function query($sql) { $this->sqls[] = $this->lastSql = $sql; $this->APP_RUN_SQL($sql); return $this->db->query($sql); } #执行SQL function exec($sql) { $this->sqls[] = $this->lastSql = $sql; $this->APP_RUN_SQL($sql); //return $this->_db[$this->server_id]->exec($sql); return $this->db->Execute('me', $sql); /* if(!$q = $this->_db[$this->server_id]->exec($sql)) { $this->showError($this->_db[$this->server_id]->errorInfo()); } else { return $q; } */ } #取得一个记录 function fetchArray(&$query) { #0,1,2,3 return $query->fetch(1); } #影响记录数 /* function affectedRows() { return $this->_db[$this->server_id]->lastInsertId(); } */ /* 做记录 */ function APP_RUN_SQL($sql) { //$this->APP_RUN_SQL++; //$this->APP_RUN_SQLS[] = $sql; } #取得最近一次ID function insertId() { $this->APP_RUN_SQL("insertId"); return $this->_db[$this->server_id]->lastInsertId(); } #关闭 function close() { //mysql_close(); } #事务支持 function begin() { // 开始执行事务 //mysql_query("begin"); // 设置自动事务处理为0,1是提交即执行 //mysql_query("set autocommit=0"); return $this->_db[$this->server_id]->beginTransaction(); } //别名 function start() { return $this->begin(); } function commit() { // 提交执行 //mysql_query("commit"); //mysql_query("set autocommit=1"); return $this->_db[$this->server_id]->commit(); } function end() { return $this->commit(); } /* 回滚操作 */ function rollback() { //mysql_query("rollback"); //mysql_query("set autocommit=1"); $this->_db[$this->server_id]->rollBack(); } #对SQL的值 转义 function escape($value) { //return $value; mysql_escape_string return addslashes($value); } ##################################### function lastSql() { return $this->lastSql; } function allSql() { return $this->sqls; } /* 支持连惯操作 */ function __call($key, $value) { if (false !== strpos('|field|table|order|limit|group|values|set|as|having|', "|{$key}|")) { if (isset($value[0]) && $value[0]) { $this->option[$key] = $value[0]; } return $this; } } /* 处理 left|right|inner */ final function LeftJoin($table, $on) { $this->option['join'][] = array('table' => ' Left Join ' . $this->prefix . $table, 'on' => $on); return $this; } final function RightJoin($table, $on) { $this->option['join'][] = array('table' => " Right Join " . $this->prefix . $table, 'on' => $on); return $this; } final function InnerJoin($table, $on) { $this->option['join'][] = array('table' => " INNER Join " . $this->prefix . $table, 'on' => $on); return $this; } final function SetCache($sec, $prefix = '') { $this->option['cache'] = $sec; $this->option['cachePrefix'] = $prefix; return $this; } #与setcache一样 final function Cache($sec, $prefix = '') { $this->option['cache'] = $sec; $this->option['cachePrefix'] = $prefix; return $this; } function where($wstr) { $this->option['where'] = isset($this->option['where']) && $this->option['where'] ? "{$this->option['where']} AND {$wstr}" : $wstr; return $this; } function set($k,$v = null) { if($v == null) { $this->option['set'] = $k; } else { $this->option['set'] = array($k,$v); } return $this; } final function pk($id) { $this->option['where'] = isset($this->option['where']) && $this->option['where'] ? " AND {$this->pk}='{$id}'" : " {$this->pk}='{$id}'"; return $this; } /* 增加LIKE 查询,可以多个 */ final function Like($field, $value) { $this->option['like'][] = array($field, $value); } #取得一个记录 final function find($option = '') { $this->limit(1); $rs = $this->findAll($option); return reset($rs); } #insert 的别名 final function add($option = '', $action='INSERT') { return $this->insert($option, $action); } #insert 的别名 final function create($option = '') { return $this->insert($option); } #修改表名 final function setTable($table, $pk = false) { $this->table = $table; if (!$pk) { $this->pk = $pk; } return $this->doTable = $this->prefix . $this->table; } /* 手动执行一个SQL $sql #__TABLE__ 当前类全表名 #__PRE__ 表的前缀 */ final function sql($sql) { $sql = str_replace(array('#__TABLE__', '#__PRE__', '{PREFIX}'), array($this->doTable, $this->prefix, $this->prefix), $sql); if (strtoupper(substr($sql, 0, 6)) == 'SELECT') { $query = &$this->query($sql); $rs = array(); while ($rt = $this->fetchArray($query)) { $rs[] = $rt; } return $rs; } else { return $this->query($sql); } } /* 通过SQL查记录*/ function findSql($sql) { $query = $this->query($sql); $rs = array(); while($rt = $this->fetchArray($query)) { $rs[] = $rt; } return $rs; } #delete from ic_t; #update sqlite_sequence SET seq = 0 where name ='ic_t'; //清空表 function TRUNCATE($option = '') { if (!is_array($option)) { $option = $this->option; $this->option = array(); } $table = isset($option['table']) ? $this->prefix . $option['table'] : $this->doTable; if($this->config['db_type'] == 'sqlite') { $this->query("delete from $table "); $this->query("update sqlite_sequence SET seq = 0 where name ='{$table}' "); return true; } else { return $this->query("TRUNCATE TABLE $table "); } } //别名 function clear($option = '') { $this->TRUNCATE($option); } function config() { return $this->config; } function _query($sql) { $sql = str_replace(array('#__TABLE__', '#__PRE__', '{PREFIX}'), array($this->doTable, $this->prefix, $this->prefix), $sql); return parent::query($sql); } /* 统一功能SQL现实 findAll delete insert update */ /* 函数说明: 取得数据记录 参数: $option = array('field' => '*', 'where' => '条件', 'limit' => '10', 'table' => '表', 'order' => '', 'group' => '', ) */ function findAll($option = '') { if (!is_array($option)) { $option = $this->option; $this->option = array(); } //P($option); //extract($option); $field = isset($option['field']) ? $option['field'] : '*'; $table = isset($option['table']) ? $this->prefix . $option['table'] : $this->doTable; $sql = "SELECT {$field} FROM {$table} "; if (isset($option['as'])) { $sql .= ' as ' . $option['as']; } if (isset($option['join'])) { foreach ($option['join'] as $k => $v) { $sql .= " {$v['table']} ON {$v['on']}"; } } //p($sql); if (isset($option['where']) && $option['where']) { $sql .= " WHERE {$option['where']}"; } if (isset($option['group'])) { $sql .= " GROUP BY {$option['group']}"; } if (isset($option['having'])) { $sql .= " HAVING {$option['having']}"; } if (isset($option['order'])) { $sql .= " ORDER BY {$option['order']}"; } //limit 开始值, pagesize if (isset($option['limit'])) { $sql .= " LIMIT {$option['limit']}"; } $rs = array(); //SQLITE返回的是对象 $sql = str_replace(array('#__TABLE__', '{PREFIX}'), array($this->doTable, $this->prefix), $sql); $this->sqls[] = $this->lastSql = $sql; // load::$APP_RUN_SQL++; $this->APP_RUN_SQL($sql); //$this->db->CheckSql($sql); /* if(!$prep = $this->_db[$this->server_id]->prepare($sql)) { $this->showError($this->_db[$this->server_id]->errorInfo()); } if(!$prep->execute()) { $this->showError($prep->errorInfo()); } $rs = $prep->fetchAll(2); */ $this->db->Execute('me', $sql); $rs = array(); while($rt = $this->db->GetArray('me')) { $rs[] = $rt; } return $rs; } function showError($errorInfo = array()) { $msg = "<div class='error'><div class='header'>执行SQL错误,错误信息如下:</div>"; $msg .= "<style> .error{ border-bottom:1px solid #ccc; border-right:1px solid #ccc; line-height:30px; margin-left:300px; margin-right:300px; margin-top:50px; } .error .footer{ text-align:right; } .error div{ border-top:1px solid #ccc; border-left:1px solid #ccc; padding:10px; } .error .header{ font-weight:bolder; background:#ddd; } </style>"; echo $msg; foreach($errorInfo as $k => $v) { echo "<div>{$k}.{$v}</div>\n"; } if(1) { echo "<div>SQL:".$this->lastSql."</div>\n"; } echo "\n<div class='footer'><a href=''>来自:Kupe框架</a></div></div>"; exit; } /* 函数功能说明: 删除 */ function delete($option = '') { if (!is_array($option)) { $option = $this->option; $this->option = array(); } $table = isset($option['table']) ? $this->prefix . $option['table'] : $this->doTable; $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table} "; if (isset($option['where'])) { $sql .= " WHERE {$option['where']}"; } if (isset($option['limit'])) { $sql .= " LIMIT {$option['limit']}"; } return $this->db->ExecuteNoneQuery2($sql); //return $this->_db[$this->server_id]->exec($sql); } function remove($option = '') { return $this->delete($option); } /* 函数说明: 插入记录 $option.value => 可以是一维分组, 也可以是二维数组. 二维分组,表示插入多条记录. $option.table => 要插入到其它表 返回: 最近插入的ID值 */ function insert($option = '', $action='INSERT') { if (!is_array($option)) { $option = $this->option; $this->option = array(); } $keys = array_keys($option['values']); //一维数组 $table = isset($option['table']) ? $this->prefix . $option['table'] : $this->doTable; $sql = "{$action} INTO {$table} (`" . implode('`,`', $keys) . "`) VALUES ('" . implode('\',\'', $option['values']) . "')"; /* $sql = "{$action} INTO {$table} (`" . implode('`,`', $keys) . "`) VALUES (:" . implode(',:', $keys) . ")"; $prep = $this->_db[$this->server_id]->prepare($sql); $value_arr = array(); foreach($option['values'] as $k => $v) { //$values_arr[":{$k}"] = $this->escape($v); $values_arr[":{$k}"] = $v; } */ //echo $sql;exit; /* if(!$prep->execute($values_arr)) { $this->showError($prep->errorInfo()); }*/ $this->sqls[] = $this->lastSql = $sql; $this->db->ExecuteNoneQuery2($sql); return $this->db->GetLastID(); } /* 功能函数:更新数据库 $option 为数组 $option.value 一组数组 $option.table $ */ function update($option = '') { if (!is_array($option)) { $option = $this->option; $this->option = array(); } $set = ''; $set_arr = array(); if (isset($option['values'])) { foreach ($option['values'] as $k => $v) { if ($k != $this->pk) { $set .= ",`{$k}`='".$this->escape($v)."' "; $set_arr[":".$k] = $v; } } } $table = isset($option['table']) ? $this->prefix . $option['table'] : $this->doTable; $sql = "UPDATE {$table} SET " . substr($set, 1); if (isset($option['set'])) { if(is_array($option['set'])) { /*$sql .= "`{$option['set'][0]}`=:{$option['set'][0]}"; $set_arr[":".$option['set'][0]] = $option['set'][1]; $set .= ",`{$k}`='".$this->escape($v)."' ";*/ $sql .= "`{$option['set'][0]}`='".$this->escape($option['set'][1])."'"; } else { $sql .= $option['set']; } } if (isset($option['where'])) { $sql .= " WHERE {$option['where']}"; if (isset($option['values'][$this->pk])) { $sql .= " AND `{$this->pk}`='{$option['values'][$this->pk]}'"; } } else { if (isset($option['values'][$this->pk])) { $sql .= " WHERE `{$this->pk}`='{$option['values'][$this->pk]}'"; } } if (isset($option['limit'])) { $sql .= " LIMIT {$option['limit']}"; } /*if(!$prep = $this->_db[$this->server_id]->prepare($sql)) { $this->showError($this->_db[$this->server_id]->errorInfo()); } if(!$q = $prep->execute($set_arr)) { $this->showError($prep->errorInfo()); }*/ $this->sqls[] = $this->lastSql = $sql; $this->APP_RUN_SQL($sql); $this->db->ExecuteNoneQuery2($sql); return $this->db->GetLastID(); } # #简化操作 # function total($key = '*') { $rs = $this->field("COUNT({$key}) AS total")->find(); return $rs['total']; } function count($key = '*') { $rs = $this->field("COUNT({$key}) AS total")->find(); return $rs['total']; } function sum($key) { $rs = $this->field("SUM({$key}) AS total")->find(); return $rs['total']; } function max($key = '*') { $rs = $this->field("max({$key}) AS total")->find(); return $rs['total']; } function min($key = '*') { $rs = $this->field("min({$key}) AS total")->find(); return $rs['total']; } /* 显示本库所有列表 */ function tables() { /* [queryString] => SHOW TABLE STATUS [Name] => [Engine] => [Version] => [Row_format] => [Rows] => [Avg_row_length] => [Data_length] => [Max_data_length] => [Index_length] => [Data_free] => [Auto_increment] => [Create_time] => [Update_time] => [Check_time] => [Collation] => [Checksum] => [Create_options] => [Comment] => */ $sql = "SHOW TABLE STATUS"; $query = $this->query($sql); $rs = array(); while($rt = $this->fetchArray($query)) { $rs[] = array( 'Name' => $rt->Name, 'Engine' => $rt->Engine, 'Version' => $rt->Version, 'Row_format' => $rt->Row_format, 'Rows' => $rt->Rows, 'Avg_row_length' => $rt->Avg_row_length, 'Data_length' => $rt->Data_length, 'Max_data_length' => $rt->Max_data_length, 'Index_length' => $rt->Index_length, 'Data_free' => $rt->Data_free, 'Auto_increment' => $rt->Auto_increment, 'Create_time' => $rt->Create_time, 'Update_time' => $rt->Update_time, 'Check_time' => $rt->Check_time, 'Collation' => $rt->Collation, 'Checksum' => $rt->Checksum, 'Create_options' => $rt->Create_options, 'Comment' => $rt->Comment, ); } return $rs; } #########################常用工具 /* 设置表引擎 INNODB MYISAM */ function setEngine($table = null,$engine = 'MYISAM') { $table = $table ? $this->prefix . $table : $this->doTable; $sql = "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` ENGINE = {$engine};"; return $this->exec($sql); } function setEngines($engine = 'MYISAM') { $engine || $engine = 'MYISAM'; $table = $this->tables(); foreach ($table as $v) { $sql_arr[] = $sql = "ALTER TABLE `{$v['Name']}` ENGINE = {$engine};"; $this->exec($sql); } return true; } /* 优化数据库 $table 可以是数组, 单个表名, 或为 空 , 为空时,会优化整个数据库 */ function OPTIMIZE($table = '') { if(is_array($table)) { } elseif($table) { $table = array($table); } else { $table = $this->tables(); } $sql = "OPTIMIZE TABLE "; foreach ($table as $v) { if(is_array($v)) { $sql_arr[] = "`{$v['Name']}`"; } else { $sql_arr[] = "`{$v}`"; } } $sql .= implode(',', $sql_arr); return $this->query($sql); } /** 自动将当前数据库修复 参数 $table可以是 单个表名,也可以是 多个表的数组,如果为空,则自动获取当前库的所有表 */ function REPAIR($table = '') { if(is_array($table)) { } elseif($table) { $table = array($table); } else { $table = $this->tables(); } $table = $this->tables(); $sql = "REPAIR TABLE "; foreach ($table as $v) { $sql_arr[] = "`{$v['Name']}`"; } $sql .= implode(',', $sql_arr); return $this->query($sql); } /** 别名 REPAIR */ function opt($table = '') { return $this->OPTIMIZE($table); } /** 创建一个数据库 */ function createDB($name) { $sql = "CREATE DATABASE `{$name}` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;"; return $this->exec($sql); } function phpmyadminToArray($path) { $data = file_get_contents($path); $data = preg_replace('/--.+\n/isU','',$data); $data = preg_replace('/\/\*.+\*\/;/isU','',$data); $rs = explode(";\n",trim($data)); $sqls = array(); foreach($rs as $k => $v) { $v = trim($v); if(!$v) continue; $sqls[] = trim($v).''; } //echo $data; p($sqls); return $sqls; } /* 核心操作方法 $this->input->xxxx(); $this->output->xxxx(); $this->db->xxxx(); */ public function __get($name) { return load::loadClass($name,null,null); } #释放资源 /*function __destruct() { $this->close(); }*/ } function m($table) { static $kupedb; $kupedb = new kupedb($table); return $kupedb; }
本文来源:上一篇: 2018中国外贸政策新趋势